Sunday, August 07, 2005

Just hello--for now...

Well, well, well, are you in trouble now, vast world wide web! I have wanted to do this for the longest time. Sometimes I just want to scream out loud, "I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY!", and it may not be anything imprtant, deep or earth shattering; possibly not even socially significant, or socially acceptable. But--I want to say it nonetheless. A blog is unlike a journal or a diary in that a blog is actually OUT THERE if anyone should happen to ask about it, hear about it or stumble onto it. So, brace yourselves: as I would have preferred to call this blog: THIS IS ONE PISSED OFF NORTH COUNTY SOCCER MOM WHO HAS SOMETHING TO SAY!!!!!!!! Maybe not tonight, but soon, very soon....


Blogger ~stacey~ said...

So cool to see you joining the "blogging community"! Can't wait to read more!

6:28 AM  

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