Thursday, August 11, 2005

Okay, so now the expectations are high; I have announced the exsistence of my blog, so now I guess I have to write something. I sure hope that I don't have to be profound. I wonder if I will have to make another one, and not tell anyone about it, so I can really vent. But that seems sort of risky. My dad always told me "Don't ever put anything in writing you would not be willing to see on the front page of the paper." Of course, I was in fifth grade, getting busted for passing cruel notes in class at the time. We never anticipated the internet.
Well, here is somthing I am really annoyed about today: most of my friends know that I am pretty conservative--not card carrying Republican, really, but pretty close. I have been really conflicted about this whole war in Iraq. I think it was hideously wrong for Saddam Hussein to be in violation of the Kuwait cease fire 17 freakin' times b/f anyone did anything about it. (screw the UN) But I am conflicted about the usefulness of this war. I DO, in my heart, believe that SH was/is/ does have a lot hidden out there in the desert (a neighboring country's desert, even). I also think that GW has info that we do not need, nor will ever know; it just may not be our time to know it. Okay, but here is what I am getting at: we ARE in this war. It is an ALL VOLUNTEER military. People die. It is a horrible, ghastly thing. My heart breaks everytime there are more casualties. But, we cannot stop know. We cannot turn tail and run just b/c this war is unpopular. So, to that mom stalking GW in Texas, I would like to say, " You are a disloyal, disrespectful, unfaithful, inconsiderate witch for disrespecting your son's memory by denouncing the horrible, deadly work that is being done on OUR behalf!!" Sure, I respect her right to speak out, and I have the same right. I think she is dishonoring the work that her son was doing, and that she is being unkind, unpatriotic and totally disrepectful. No, my comments won't make a difference, but I feel better!
To my friend, Stacey: I suspect you are suffering from a bit of post-wedding-planning, wedding happening/post show let down. The wedding plans have been taking up much of your time and attention for a while; the two shows and all the attendant social activities have been quite a ride, too. Now it's all over for now, and now all you have to occupy the "other side of your mind" (the side that is not doing work, etc.) are things like, "Oh yay. What are we gonna do tonight? More dishes? Hmmm, maybe the laundry. Oh, okay, let's see how we are gonna make $40 stretch for 13 days...." All that fun "apcray".
I encourage the occasional wallow. Just roll around in the boredom and common-ness of it. Then it will pass, Christmas is coming, the ice storms are coming, a New Year will begin, Valentine's treats, then a new show to plan, a first anniversary to celebrate, and the beat goes on. You'll make it, girlfriend. It's a wild ride, this growning up thing, but it's worth it ;-)
Have a great weekend, everyone! The soccer practice season has begun. Ugh.


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