Friday, March 31, 2006

Life in the fast lane...

Okay, so here is the latest, although not necessarily in any order--cronilogically or of importance:
Girl Scout co-leader died rather unexpectedly. She was misdiagnosed a couple of years ago for cancer. The truth is, somebody in her ob's office royally screwed up and told her that a test she had for some "irregular" stuff had come back all clear. WRONG! She did actually have uterine cancer, but "Oh, it's a slow growing kind, so we're sure you'll be fine."Wrong again. She had surgery, she had chemo, she was sick as a dog. Ya know, chemo is one of those things that I almost wonder if the treatment is worse than the disease. I saw my mom go through it, and I saw my best friend's mom go through it. I realize that when faced with treatment or do nothing, I would probably choose try any treatment. I'm just saying watching Tanya go through the nausea, the hair loss, the low blood pressure, the anemia, all of that crap--it just seems an awful way to spend your time, esp if it is for naught. Ironically, Tanya's cause of death may well be listed as "infection" b/c she got an infection either through her surgery incision--which never healed properly--or through the hole in her chest from the porta cath thingy from chemo--which she would not have had if the idiot at the doctor's office had read her the right frickin' report!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have just lost all interest in Girl Scouts. It may have been my name on the paper work as the leader, but it was Tanya who kept us on track. I miss her everyday. Her daughter is in the same grade as my 4th grader, but they are in different classrooms. I can only imagine what that poor little girl must be feeling. I thought losing my mom at 17 was bad, but 10 just would be more devastating, if that's possible.
Okay, what else, hmmm... a close friend of mine,whose children I watch after school 4 days a week has been having a really rough time with life lately. She and her husband are in major financial trouble, and she decided she had had enough, and took 42 Prozac one day a couple of weeks ago. Holy crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope I never get a message like that again on my voice mail. Yeah, she is okay now, but man, what a scare. I still cannot figure out how she thought that would help. To be quite blunt, I am really pissed off at her. I mean, come on, she must not have really wanted to die, or she would have taken something besides an anti-depressant, for pete's sake. I even heard her tell her husband, "Well, maybe now I have your attention". WOW! I could go on and on about what a rotten thing this was to do. yes, I know she is clearly depressed, and crying out for help, yada yada yada, but now she is just acting like it was just a bad case of hiccups or something--no follow up therapy, nothing. 4 days in lock down and she is acting like nothing happened. Thank god her kids don't know the whole story.
More news: my 2nd daughter has a very close friend who lives catty corner across the street. The girl is again, same grade, different class. Her dad is a bit of a--well, I don't know how to describe it. What ever he in into at the moment, he is REALLY into it--never mind the expense, never mind the practicality of it, never mind what his long suffering wife has to say about it--he just does it. Let's see.... in the last 5 years since we have been hanging out, there has been thousands of dollars of fishing equipment, a boat--still in the driveway, an $800 bike and all the accessories, snakes and the accompanying rats in the freezer, new dog, give dog away--times 3, parrots--they have two right now, 3 or 4 different trucks, a station wagon for his wife, then a minivan, then an Expedition, now a Taurus. And last week, for himself--a Harley. Yep, he got himself a HOG! AND CRASHED ON THE WAY HOME FROM THE DEALERSHIP!!!!!! He has been in the ICU since last Saturday. Frankly, the man should not be alive: broken pelvis, compound fracture in his arm, collapsed lung, lacerated liver and spleen, huge gash in his side, etc., etc., etc. That's what happens when you hit the guardrail at 270 and hwy 40 at who knows how many MPH! Several ppl have asked me "Did he know how to ride a motorcycle?" To which my smart ass response is, "Apparently not." Okay, snotty, I know, and God help him (please!), he is lucky he had his helmet on, and the doc's are pretty sure his brain and his spine are okay. He has a long way to go b/f he will be coming home!
Well, that's enough babbling for now. Life is crazy,and the only thing I can do is hang on for the next roller coaster ride!